Keeping your home clean isn’t just about dusting and mopping. Aside from regular cleaning, you need to take certain steps to prevent fires. You need to make sure you’re disposing of flammables and combustibles properly. This includes putting them in containers and making sure you store them in a safe place.
Cleaning rules for employees
Cleaning rules for employees are necessary to maintain a sanitary working environment. Failure to do so can result in a decrease in productivity and health care costs. In addition, a clean workplace can make you and your colleagues feel appreciated.
A good cleaning policy should be posted in a prominent place where all employees can see it. It should also be accompanied by a cleaning checklist. The workplace should be cleaned on a regular basis. This may include cleaning of electronic equipment, bathrooms, and the kitchen. During a normal work day, workstations should be kept clean, and clutter should be avoided.
An office fridge should be cleaned when possible, but be sure to empty it out at the end of the day. Food wrappers should be put in the appropriate bin. Electronic gadgets like cell phones and tablets should be dusted or vacuumed on a daily basis.
While these cleaning rules for employees might seem trite, they do the trick. Keeping an office clean is important for your employees’ health and for your company’s reputation.
Disposing of combustibles and flammables properly
Proper disposal of combustibles and flammables is a crucial component of general housekeeping. This includes minimizing the accumulation of such items and locating a licensed and reputable provider of flammable waste disposal services.
The best way to dispose of combustibles and flamables is to properly identify, categorize and dispose of the waste material in covered metal receptacles. To prevent fires, always place the combustibles and flammables at least 36 inches away from heating appliances and electrical lighting. Make sure there is no debris or dust accumulating on the floor and that the area is clean and free of accumulated oily wastes.
A well designed flammable waste disposal system should not only dispose of flammables, but also contain a sufficient quantity of secondary containment bins. These must contain at least 110% of the volume of the flammable. It is also a good idea to place signs limiting smoking in the area where flammables and combustibles are handled.
Encourage employees to follow good housekeeping practices
When you want to improve the productivity of your workforce, you need to encourage employees to follow good housekeeping practices. This will also protect their health, as well as those of others. By doing so, you can create an environment that is free from hazards, promotes safety and morale, and reduces illnesses.
Housekeeping is one of the most important aspects of any work environment. It involves keeping the workspace clean and tidy, preventing fires and other accidents.
You can encourage employees to follow good housekeeping practices by setting up regular cleaning and inspection schedules. These inspections can help identify any hazards in the workplace and correct them. They can also help you develop a more efficient waste disposal system.
Properly storing materials is also a big part of good housekeeping. Make sure that materials are stored in designated areas and in appropriate containers. If you need to store hazardous materials, ensure they are in safe, approved containers.
Cal-OSHA regulations specific to housekeeping
If you are a California hospitality employer, you need to understand how the new California Housekeeping Safety Rule will impact your operation. The rule is designed to help reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries among housekeepers.
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board approved the rule in a 5-0 vote on Thursday. Its adoption follows six years of staff research and public comment.
The rule requires California hospitality employers to implement a written musculoskeletal injury prevention program. This program must be accessible to employees and address hazards that are specific to housekeeping. Those hazards may include prolonged static postures, lifting and bending, and a lack of adequate recovery time between housekeeping tasks.
Employers must also provide training for housekeepers and supervisors to familiarize them with the new rules. Training should occur at least once a year. Depending on the industry, this can include training on equipment and techniques used by housekeepers.
Besides providing training for housekeepers and supervisors, employers must conduct worksite evaluations. Evaluations must be conducted annually and results must be communicated to housekeepers in a language that they can understand.